Wednesday, February 13, 2008

There Were Only 2 Winners...

Last night was the Potomac Primaries and in comparison to Super Tuesday, these primaries were much more straightforward and quick. Overall, I am not too knowledgeable about elections. However, from some of the Web sites I was able to learn more about the Potomac Primaries. The Boston Globe was very helpful in particular when I was searching for the basics of the Potomac Primaries. The Globe taught me that there are 3 states involved: Virginia, District of Columbia, and Maryland. Within these states there are a number of delegates “at stake”: In D.C there are 15 delegates for Democrats and 16 for Republicans, Maryland has 70 delegates for Democrats and 37 for Republicans and finally for Virginia, there are 83 delegates for Democrats and for Republicans, 60.

For this assignment I focused on 3 different Web sites: CNN, The Boston Globe, and the washington post. For each Web site I focused on a particular state and the following is my findings:

I used CNN to provide the results of Maryland. Barack Obama and John McCain were the overall winners for the state: Obama with 60% of the Democratic votes and McCain with 55% of the Republican votes. Through CNN they not only reported the actual percentage of votes for each candidate but also the demographics of the voters. Obama received a lot of female votes and 45-59 year old voters while McCain received votes that were equal between the sexes and a lot of 45-49 year old voters.

Next I looked at D.C through the washington post’s Web site. Again we found that Obama and McCain won; Obama won with 75% of Democratic votes and McCain with 68% of votes for Republicans. the washington post said that D.C is considered a diverse population. Also, they claimed that D.C is highly Democratic.

The Boston Globe was my next Web site of choice. The Globe helped to tell me the results in Virginia: Obama with 64% of votes and McCain with 50% of votes. The Boston Globe was very informative. Through their Web site I was able to find out a lot about Obama. For example, they projected that Obama would win all of the Potomac states due to “blacks, and upper income liberals”. Overall, the Globes predictions were completely true and well thought over.

I found out from all 3 Web sites that Barack Obama and John McCain scored big victories in the 3 Potomac States. All in all, the results of the Potomac Primaries could have been found with one website. If I had to have chosen one website over all the others, I would have gone for The Boston Globe news site. They were highly informative and had a lot to offer in regards to convergence. Especially, for a person like myself who isn’t too educated about the 2008 Election, they offered a lot of basics and background information. Furthermore, the content on was very thorough and interactive. I found myself wanting to find out more on the primaries because of their great reporting. Now let’s see what’s going to happen in Texas and Ohio!

Check out these Web sites and my sources for more information:


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